Tano's Edge

Until recently, Tano's Edge was little more than a remote village on a ridge of the same name overlooking the Sahwat desert, catering to outcasts and the lawless. But with the discovery of ruins under the sands and the riches they contain, this town has become a powder keg of competing interests.

Population Notable Races Economy
1000 Humans, Halfings, Dragonborn Arcane research, enchantment, antiquities


General's Store

The General's Store is a popular one-stop shop for Tano's Edge hoppers gearing up for that big desert score and locals stocking their larder. The proprietor is an ancient, affable half-orc called The General, assisted by his nephew Otis.

The general supply is well-stocked with basic adventuring gear and a …

Angry Andok's Apothecary

Andok is a cantankerous dwarf who specializes in nonmagical salves, potions, and reagants. He makes a killing supplying hoppers who wisely avoid magical healing when in the desert, but is notorious for his quick, violent temper and contempt for, well, pretty much everything and everyone. He remains stubbornly unaligned, but …